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Toimunud syndmused.



15.mai 2015

15. mai kell 16.00 - 

Hiidlaste Koostöökogu uue perioodi 2014-2020 strateegia tutvustav seminar


15. mail kell 16 rahvamajas. Milleks LEADER programmist peagi toetust küsida saab?

Räägivad Reet Kokovkin ja Ilmi Aksli.
Katame kohvilaua ja pärast räägib lugusid ilma ja elu näinud Rein Saar. 

March 15, 2013

I'm a news story. I'm a great place for you to let your users know what's new with your company. You can choose what news stories appear on your page. Double click me to change me and your own content. To customize me and change my font click on the Design tab in the property panel.

April 22, 2013

I'm a news story. I'm a great place for you to let your users know what's new with your company. You can choose what news stories appear on your page. Double click me to change me and your own content. To customize me and change my font click on the Design tab in the property panel.

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